Thursday, April 22, 2010

diane 35

right now i don't know for sure what is causing my severe bloating, but i am willing to try anything. current step is to visit a gynaecologist, and she has prescribed me with diane 35, as a treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). took a blood test today, and the results will be out in a week to confirm whether i have PCOS or not. diane 35 is basically an oral contraceptive pill, also used to treat acne. so i'm hoping if it doesn't work on my bloating, at least it will help clear up my skin. i still believe what i'm having is strictly hormonal, because for 24 years of my life i had beautiful skin, and all of a sudden in my adult life, i was hit hard with acne, bloating, and weight gain. even depression came back with a force.

i also took a test for thyroid, suspecting myself of having hypothyroidism. like i said, i'm willing to try anything at this point. perhaps my next step if diane 35 doesn't work is to try a food allergy test. there have also been suggestions online that i should try a low-carb diet.

pray with me, and pray for me that this works. i've been struggling with bloating for so long i've begun to lose self-confidence.

Friday, April 16, 2010


finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - that's like finding something good beneath something beautiful. life, however, is not like that at all. i've been down, really down, hyper at some moments, but mostly down. i stopped taking herbalife due to my doctor's advice, so now losing weight is my own battle. own, but not only. there are plenty of battles to hopefully win, because if i don't, i may well lose my mind if it was there to begin with.

maybe i try too hard to justify many many things in my life, because i feel like i need to be heard. sometimes it's just so hard to swallow the bitter medicine, and move on and forget about the past. but when the past surely hurt, it continues to hurt. it's like holding a knife on the sharp edge when passing it to someone else - there's always a chance of accidentally cutting yourself. but you do so to protect others. and some of the people i love and have loved - i have loved and love madly.

i went to the gynecologist today to get my bloating checked out. i've been seeing a gastroentrologist for the past (almost) two years, to no avail. the bloating is getting so bad i tend to hide myself either in loose baggy clothing, or in my house. it makes me indecisive - one moment i'd feel like going out, the next my confidence gets a huge stab from the back. i look five months pregnant, and i cannot imagine what would happen if i really got pregnant one day. how will i look?

the gynecologist checked me with an ultrasound and confirmed that there are no fibroids or ovarian cysts. however, i may have a condition known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). we need to run a blood test on my second day of period to confirm. that may explain the weight gain, acne and several other symptoms i'm experiencing. however, i don't know how the bloating can be solved. i'm getting desperate, so please leave a comment or send me an e-mail if you have any suggestions.

it's a time of decisions, and i pray i'm making the right decisions and never to regret them later. i wish to live, not simply survive.

sometimes i get so tired of all these.